Our first look in 2023 at how the market is shaping up in Barrie. We saw a large decrease in sales activity where January sales were down 40% compared to 2022. However, there’s lots of opportunities for Buyers right now but don’t forget that seller’s are still getting top dollar for their properties. Although prices are down compared to the spikes of Jan 2022 (-23%, $724,037), it’s important to remember that, for the second consecutive month sale prices continue to raise when compared to the previous month – a rise of 3%. This is also the same for units sold where we saw 30 more properties sold in January when compared to December.
Find out what your property is worth in today’s Market at https://forsaleinbarrie.ca/index…/whats-my-property-worth/
Stats are correct as of February 14th. Based on January 2022 v January 2023